..." music is the art of sounds, which we express the different feelings of the soul "...

..." music is the art of sounds, which we express the different feelings of the soul "...



At the begin I changed and customized the mouthpieces of various brands and existing models, but now, after years of research, was born “Eolo”, so named because its main feature is the air passage, perfect in every register and in every color of the sound , low and high, loud or soft; this quality allows the clarinet reed to vibrate smoothly and steady, with symmetrical oscillations, without distortion or sudden outbursts, developing a rich, compact sound that runs coming away.

I work and play personally each mouthpiece! I’m clarinetist and I play them one by one during the processing time, and it is precisely that makes each piece special. 
Each artist can feel more confort playing with a model or with another, preferring a sound more or less dark,  but at the end      
I’m sure that each piece has the gift of sound. I constantly work about research of materials, tools and new technologies, whatever it is able to improve the quality of my products and allow me to create new ones.

Mattia Storti – Via Nazionale, 237 – Cappone di Vallefoglia 61022 (PU) – Italia 

– C.F. STRMTT82M04L500B – Tel. +39 349 24 51 482 – stortimattia@yahoo.it www.storticlarinetmouthpiece.com